Thursday, March 8, 2012

Inside the Beltway

I was born and raised in the Washington, DC metro area. I grew up in Silver Spring, went to Georgetown University, and lived in Arlington, Virginia. Only about a year and a half ago did I decide to pick up and move to New York City. I love living in NYC but today I'm feeling a bit homesick. Especially since the famous spring cherry blossoms that surround the DC monuments are just weeks from peak bloom and they are spectacular! I think this calls for a visit to my favorite city and my hometown. I (heart) DC.



Friday, March 2, 2012

Springtime for Katie

After many cold and rainy days here in NYC, it's time for spring dammit! These dark, wintery days are too depressing, I need some sunshine and I'm ready to break out my flip flops. So here's a little flower power to inspire the month of March to bring on some fabulously warm days and sunny weather!